Money Back Guarantee – Nature’s Sunshine Canada
Money Back Guarantee

NSP product quality is guaranteed. If, after purchasing an NSP product from an authorized seller, a retail customer determines it to be unsatisfactory, the customer should return it to his/her NSP Member for replacement, credit or a full refund.

This guarantee applies only to products that have not been misused, intentionally damaged, or discontinued, are outdated, or have not been purchased from an unauthorized seller, who are not subject to NSP’s quality control standards.

Customer satisfaction is NSP’s goal. If, for any reason, a customer is not 100% satisfied with an NSP product, Members should politely accept any unused portion of the product and then return it to NSP within 90 days of the date of purchase from NSP for a refund/replacement, as per NSP’s Product Return Procedures below. Members should promptly and professionally give the customer a full refund or replacement product. Subject to the Product Return Procedures below, credit from NSP will be calculated at 100% of the price paid at purchase minus any rebates or commissions paid on the product.


Return Policy

Nature’s Sunshine Products has a limited buy-back policy that, should a participant desire to return unused product for any reason, the company will repurchase all such products at 90% of the original cost to the original purchaser, less appropriate commissions and legal claims, if any. This includes products being returned due to the customer ordering in error or making a key punch/typing error on a web order. Requests for such returns must be made within three months of the purchase of the product. Any bonuses or overrides paid to the requesting participant on returned product will be deducted from the return payment or debited to appropriate Consultants. Original invoices must be provided when returning products.